Chemical Process Industries ("CPI")

Tri-Mer has a long history of successful service to the organic and inorganic chemical producing industries. Our equipment portfolio includes an exceptionally broad range of proven pollution control systems; multiple technologies are often integrated to solve the most challenging applications.

Tri-Mer air pollution control systems serve facilities that make or process foods and beverages, pharmaceuticals, plastics, coatings and solvents, fertilizers and pesticides, and specialty chemicals of all types. Systems are manufactured exclusively on our manufacturing campus in central Michigan.

Every industrial requirement, in every US AQMD, has a Tri-Mer air pollution solution:

Vertical packed bed tower scrubber systems efficiently remove inorganic gases and fumes. They are well-suited as primary or secondary systems in conjunction with thermal oxidizers, and are used in series where there are multiple-contaminant gas streams.

Packed tower scrubbers are suitable for chemical manufacturers, metal finishers, semiconductor fabs and other industrial operations generating fumes and gases.

Construction material options are broad, and include polypropylene, PVC, CPVC, PVDF, FRP and various alloys.

Tri-NOx NOx scrubber systems accommodate all chemical and combustion-based NOx. Tri-NOx guarantees a clear stack, preventing the gaseous plume generated by high NO2 loadings.

Tri-Mer’s NOx scrubber handles multiple gas stream residuals, including Cl2, HCl, SO2, other acids, other gases, caustics, and particulates. This non-catalytic system has no cfm or ppm limitations and can consistently achieve virtually any target stack output. It is the leading NOx control technology wherever regulations are strictest.

Tri-Mer’s Cloud Chamber Scrubber removes PM2.5, fine, submicron ultrafine and condensable particulate (along with larger particles) at 99% or greater efficiencies.

The Cloud Chamber removes all gases that are compatible with wet scrubbing, including HCl, NO2, SO2, Cl2, NH3, HF, H2SO4, and HNO3. The ability to simultaneously treat particulate and corrosive fumes is an important and practical advantage over other options.

Tri-Mer UltraCat Catalytic Filtration Systems remove particulate, SO2, HCl, mercury and other heavy metals at temperatures as high as 1650°F and as low as 350°F. Simultaneously, its ceramic catalyst destroys NOx, organic HAPs, and dioxins.

Removal efficiencies are high:

  • NOx – greater than 90% removal
  • Particulate – less than 2 mg/Nm3, 0.001 grains/dscf; highly effective on submicron PM
  • SO2/ SO3, HCl, HF, - greater than 90% removal
  • Dioxins and mercury - removable within given temperature ranges

Notably, UltraCat catalytic filtration is replacing electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) where very low PM levels are required, particularly where inlet loads are heavy, or there are significant concentrations of PM2.5 and submicron PM1.0 particulate.

Tri-Mer catalytic filters accommodate much higher inlet loadings, and are not limited by the selective removal constraints of ESPs. They also pose fewer corrosion concerns, have lower maintenance requirements and consume less energy.

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