Chrome, Other Plating Chemicals

Tri-Mer Chrome Scrubbers

What is Hexavalent Chrome?

Hexavalent chromium, Cr6, is one of the valence states of the element chromium. It is primarily produced by industrial processes where high hardness, and high corrosion resistance are needed. It is a known carcinogen.

The respiratory tract is the major target organ for Cr6 toxicity. Shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing result from short-term exposure to Cr6; ulcerations, decreased pulmonary function, pneumonia, and other respiratory effects can result from long-term exposure.

Why Hex Chrome Fumes are Harmful

Indoors, OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) requires that employees are not exposed to an airborne concentration of chromium (VI) greater than 5 micrograms per cubic meter of air (5 µgm/m3), calculated as an 8-hour time-weighted average.

Stack emissions of chrome are equally limited, with EPA enforcing long-held restrictions on electroplating and anodizing facilities, stainless steel manufacturers, paint, ink and plastics companies and others that use chrome compounds in their processes.

Eliminating Chrome Fumes and Mists

Tri-Mer’s wet Chrome Scrubber, (shown below, right) is a proven solution to all forms of chrome emissions, from all sources. It is a low-energy, all-mechanical system that does not use chemicals or generate waste.

Tri-Mer’s UltraCat ceramic filter system (shown below, left) a completely dry system, is also proven to remove chrome compounds in numerous applications with exceptional efficiency, along with a wide spectrum of other pollutants.

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