technology leader air pollution control

SorbSaver Injection Technology for Dry Sorbent Injection

Reduce operating costs up to 40% with Tri-Mer’s proven alternative to lance-based methods

SorbSaver is a simple, cost-effective retrofit for dry sorbent injection / activated carbon injection systems

Dry sorbent injection is widely used to reduce a range of pollutants. While these systems have a low capital cost when compared to alternative technologies, continued operation has shown the lance-based method of injecting sorbent involves inefficient mixing and dispersion, and frequent plugging within the lance creates a high maintenance burden. Tri-Mer’s technology minimizes or eliminates these issues, providing a cost-effective solution that produces immediate cost savings.

SorbSaver Advantages

  • Streamlined design for like-for-like lance replacement
  • Installation is external to duct - fits to existing flange and sorbent convey line
  • Requires no modification to existing DSI/ ACI systems
  • Uses boosted air for optimized mixing, dispersion, and duct penetration
  • Requires no lances; no equipment within duct
  • Significantly reduces maintenance and downtime
  • Adjustable for load variations
Issues The SorbSaver Solution
High sorbent injection rates Reduces sorbent inject rates by as much as 40%, minimizing sorbent costs and equipment wear
Regulatory compliance Reduces pollutants by up to 25% more, providing a greater buffer on compliance standards
Maintenance costs Eliminates the lance as a key cause of ongoing maintenance
Waste / landfill costs Reduces injection rates, minimizes sorbent content in ash, improving ash quality, enabling sales or reductions in landfill costs
Injector location Small, lightweight design means injector location is flexible, rather than limited to where a lance can function
Variable load operation Tune each individual injector, allowing for automated feed rates and blower speeds for varying loads

SorbSaver Graph

SorbSaver estimated fresh sorbent reduction of ~30%
Estimated fresh sorbent reduction for catalytic filter

• Particulate (PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1.0)  • NOx  • SOx (SO2, SO3)  • HCl, HF  • Metals (Selenium, Arsenic …)  • Mercury   • Hexavalent Chrome  • Dioxins / Furans  • Selective VOC (Cement O-HAPS)   • Add-on CO module available

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