SorbSaver Dry Sorbent Injection

SorbSaver Retrofit for Dry Sorbent Injection and Activated Carbon Injection Systems
"DSI" systems inject trona (a non-marine evaporite mineral), hydrated lime or calcium-based alkaline sorbents into the flue gas to remove volatile organics, acid gases such as HCl, SO2, H2SO4, and metals. Systems have a low capital cost compared to alternative technologies, but continued operation has exposed two critical downsides:
- the lance-based method of injecting sorbent necessitates inefficient mixing and dispersion
- frequent plugging within the lance creates a high maintenance situation
Tri-Mer’s technology can eliminate both of these issues, providing a cost-effective solution and immediate cost savings.
SorbSaver Advantages
- Streamlined design for drop-in lance replacement
- Installation is external to duct - fits existing flange and sorbent convey line
- No modifications to existing DSI/ ACI systems needed
- Uses boosted air for optimized mixing, dispersion, and duct penetration
- Doesn’t require lances; no equipment within duct
- Significantly reduces maintenance and downtime
- Adjustable for load variations
- No discharge to waste water
- Low energy consumption

Issues |
The SorbSaver Solution |
High sorbent injection rates | Reduces sorbent inject rates by as much as 40%, minimizing sorbent costs and equipment wear |
Regulatory compliance | Reduces pollutants by up to 25% more, providing a greater buffer on compliance standards |
Maintenance costs | Eliminates the lance as a key cause of ongoing maintenance |
Waste / landfill costs | Reduces injection rates, minimizes sorbent content in ash, improving ash quality, enabling sales or reductions in landfill costs |
Injector location | Small, lightweight design means injector location is flexible, rather than limited to where a lance can function |
Variable load operation | Tune each individual injector, allowing for automated feed rates and blower speeds for varying loads |
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