NOx Scrubber for a Clear Stack

Tri-NOx for NOx Emissions
Tri-NOx scrubber systems accommodate any combination of NO and NO2, including nitration-related NOx, which is typically high on the NO2 scale, and combustion-related NOx, which is higher in NO.
Tri-Mer’s NOx scrubber guarantees a clear stack, eliminating the plume generated by high NO2 loading. This yellow-brown emission is generated by processes using nitric acid.
On March 15, 2023, EPA finalized the Good Neighbor Plan for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Starting with the 2023 ozone season, the rule requires additional emissions NOx reductions from power plants in 22 states. Tri-NOx control technology provides an exceptionally reliable, field-proven solution to NOx emissions from power plants within commercial facilities as well as those scaled to public utilities, rural electric cooperatives, and IOUs.

Features & Benefits
No limitations
on inlet capacity or ppm stack requirements
Stack output
stays within pre-set ppm limits without repeat adjustment
a clear stack
any combination of NO and NO2
Eligible for Routine
System Performance Review
How They Work
NOx scrubber systems reduce the level of contaminants from a specific inlet concentration to a specific outlet concentration. Equipment is designed for continuous operation in a specified seismic zone, environment, and wind load.
The standard Tri-NOx Scrubber employs a proprietary oxidizing compound, plus dilute sulfuric acid in the first stage. An alternative is the use of air oxidation of NO gas in the first stage to achieve a target NO/NO2 ratio for treatment in the second stage.
A portion of the scrubbing solution is purged from each recycle tank to prevent accumulation of compounds which could otherwise cause fouling or compromise scrubber efficiency.
Controlled water additions compensate for evaporation. Fresh water is added to the last recycle tank to create a purge stream, which flows through the scrubber counter-current to air flow.
The properties of gas streams containing oxides of nitrogen necessitate multiple stages to achieve the reactions needed to destroy the input load. Two-stage processes may be appropriate for light loads requiring only NO2 control. An odor control stage can be included if needed.

Tri-Mer’s NOx scrubber is applicable to hot and cold gas phase systems. It handles multiple gas stream residuals, including Cl2, HCl, SO2, other acids, other gases, caustics, and particulates. This wet chemical non-catalytic system cannot be blinded and there is no catalyst to poison.
The system is ideal wherever nitric acid is used to dissolve precious metals. Tri-NOx systems are operating worldwide in conjunction with metal refining, metal finishing, chemical nitration and pharmaceutical manufacturing.
NOx scrubbers are manufactured from polypropylene, PVC, FRP or stainless steel.
The mist eliminator is integral to the scrubber and consists of several layers of polypropylene monofilament mesh pad material.
Tri-Packs high-efficiency tower packing, which is standard with Tri-Mer scrubbers, is fabricated from polypropylene, with a nominal diameter commensurate with the tower diameter. Tri-Mer is also a leading supplier of Tri-Packs as an aftermarket product used in systems made by all major industrial scrubber manufacturers.

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